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September 11, 2008

Lawyers Are Tweeting Away - Time to Join Them in the Forefront

Adrian Lurssen of JDSupra Blog who Tweets @JDTwitt, has compiled a terrific list of lawyers, legal professionals and those who service the legal field who are on Twitter. 

I know for an unequivocal fact, I have met countless people I would not otherwise have met but for the ease, fun and comfort of Twitter. (H/T to @GrantGriffiths who encouraged ME to participate.) I encourage you to participate...and this is a great group of Tweeters to join.  There is no time like the present to jump in.  Adrian has made it easy for you:

  1. @stevematthews - founder of Stem Legal; a fun-loving law librarian; law firm seo.
  2. @conniecrosby - new media & social networking diva. Guerrilla librarian, geek girl & book lover.
  3. @nikiblack - lawyer, legal writer, blogger, social media geek, wine lover, foodie...
  4. @carolynelefant - lawyer/blogger/author/mom...
  5. @lisasolomonlawyer concentrating in legal research & writing; entrepreneur at The Billable Hour Co.; 'shroom hunter...
  6. @dougcornelius - knowledge management attorney; Web 2.0 expert...
  7. @ErikMazzone - cooler than his updates make him sound...
  8. @AlexisNeely - family finance and legal expert, founder of Family Wealth Planning Institute...
  9. @sglassmeyer -  Sarah Glassmeyer, reference librarian at University of Kentucky College of Law...
  10. @JayFleischman - representing consumers against abusive creditors...
  11. @barrettdavid - David Barrett, Boston business litigation attorney - "World's largest Linkedin Lawyer Network"...
  12. @BrettTrout - author of "Cyber Law" ...
  13. @leannahamill - elder law & estate planning attorney; cook; foodie (note: some tweets will make you hungry)
  14. @davidlat - blogger, writer, lawyer; so sure Obama will win has bet money on it...
  15. @jmckeever - Charlottesville mother, attorney, and blogger...
  16. @tbeckett - Thomas Beckett, attorney, occasional grape picker, father of child apparently named "kidrocket" ...
  17. @LindsayGriffith - director of network development at International Lawyers Network...
  18. @rebeccajacobs - attorney specializing in employment law and ERISA litigation...
  19. @philiphodgen - international tax lawyer...
  20. @TheHRLawyer - trial lawyer representing people in employment and serious injury cases...
  21. @elizabethpw - Elizabeth Weinstein, attorney, CFP, mom, blogger, author, radio show host...
  22. @LDpodcast - Whitney Hoffman, attorney/podcaster/Podcamp Foundation director of operations...
  23. @SCartierLiebel - coach/consultant, creator of Solo Practice University...
  24. @rhh - Rob Hyndman, lawgeek, founder of Hyndman | Law, co-founder of mesh...
  25. @dhowell - Denise Howell, lawyer; mom; info-vagabond...
  26. @rklau - Political junkie (Obama '08!). Husband. Bizdev guy at Google. Father of 3.  Not in that order...
  27. @mikemac29 - Mike McBride, blogger, techie, litigation support professional...
  28. @heldincontempt - Heather P, lawyer, mom, pop culture junkie. (Phillies fan?)
  29. @RobRutkowski - lawyer in Cleveland who podcasts and blogs about credit unions...
  30. @erwiest - Edward Wiest, attorney and ADR provider for business disputes...
  31. @jordan_law21 - lawyer, editor, blogger, collaborator, innovator, and occasional Jeremiah for the legal profession...
  32. @jeiseman - aka Jason the Content Librarian...
  33. @mak506 - Meg Kribble, emerging technologies law librarian, blogger, shameless Mac enthusiast, aka "designated library dude"...
  34. @christinemartin - "More than a lawyer. Social media spy."
  35. @michaelrice - technologist, law student, connector of dots...
  36. @flusche - trademark & small business attorney, blogonaut...
  37. @LeeRosen - husband, father, divorce lawyer, ocd eater.    
  38. @collinudell - appellate attorney, associate at Bingham...
  39. @moanderlawfirm - Chris Moander, solo attorney...
  40. @ernieattorney - practicing (and surviving storms) in New Orleans...
  41. @thelongball24 - Christopher Jensen, Baltimore/DC area lawyer...
  42. @allimac - Allison McDermott of LawHelp.org...
  43. @LawyerMama - "Not just a lawyer. Not just a mom."
  44. @TomLamb - attorney representing patients and their families in drug injury lawsuits...
  45. @annereed - talks to juries, consults about juries, writes Deliberations, a blog about juries...
  46. @lilyhill - paralegal, social media evangelist, consultant...
  47. @david_bilinsky - law practice management consultant...
  48. @LawProf - Michael Scott, IP/Tech Law prof @ Southwestern Law...
  49. @gbeck - Greg Beck, lawyer at Public Citizen...
  50. @pscharmer - Patrick Scharmer, software engineering manager and California attorney...
  51. @BobKraft - injury, disability & immigration lawyer in Dallas...
  52. @chslaw - Carl Starrett, husband, father, bankruptcy attorney...
  53. @SherylSisk - lawyer, writer, business coach for solo attorneys...
  54. @dougmalan -  legal news journalist...
  55. @RonChapman - criminal lawyer based out of West Palm Beach... 
  56. @jmilles - law librarian, blogger, podcaster, social media enthusiast...
  57. @denniskennedy - technology lawyer, legal technologist, author, speaker, blogger...
  58. @TaishaRucker - "Love Change. Love Freedom. Love Life."
  59. @gfiremark - Gordon Firemark, theatre and entertainment lawyer...
  60. @kayrbear - Karen Evans, entrepreneur's attorney, child advocate, triathlete, caffeine addict, university professor...
  61. @AL_DUIattorney - Greg Yaghmai, specializing in DUI defense and Plaintiff's work...
  62. @justia - Tim Stanley; CEO of Justia; pug lover...
  63. @taxgirl - Kelly Phillips Erb; mom, tax lawyer, coffee drinker, manic blogger...
  64. @justinianlane - law student, civil justice advocate, car guy...
  65. @kevinokeefe - husband, father of 5, lawyer, social entrepreneur, CEO of LexBlog...
  66. @AliciaMack - works at Goodwin Procter as a business law knowledge manager and a reformed corporate lawyer.
  67. @davidr - David Roth, geek lawyer / lawyer geek...
  68. @davidtcarson - lawyer and web consultant, currently searching for more wind on Hatteras Island...
  69. @oncee - Bill Gardner, IT manager at mid-sized law firm...
  70. @Dealfatigue - Peter Kaufman, entertainment lawyer...
  71. @mwcrosson - attorney (family law, bankruptcy, small business)     ...
  72. @Finsrud - Ryan Howell, entrepreneur, technology enthusiast, investor, business lawyer...
  73. @lindsaylavine - IP/media lawyer, former journalist, full-time news junkie...
  74. @jeffbob - Jeff Yerkey, law firm design marketer, graphic designer, tech geek...
  75. @mkarol - father, husband, lawyer, geek...
  76. @iOverlord - law librarian, blogger, musician, Veronica Mars fan...
  77. @lawyerkm - Patrick DiDomenico, knowledge management and technology for lawyers and law firms...
  78. @internetcases - Evan Brown, lawyer, blogger, philosopher, social media enthusiast, dad...
  79. @erichrapp - coastal wetlands restoration advocate and attorney; software company owner...
  80. @sottolaw - Stephen Otto,  consumer lawyer...
  81. @ncarroll - into injury prevention, politics and the politics of injury prevention...
  82. @mbeese - Mark Beese, Leadership for Lawyers...
  83. @Sarterus - Brian Rowe, alternative IP activist and legal scholar.
  84. @halosecretarial - Laurie Mapp, self-employed virtual legal assistant...
  85. @startuplawyer - Ryan Roberts, corporate lawyer and blogger...
  86. @Lowrance - Virginia tax & business law attorney...
  87. @stevencohen - "officially old" law librarian...
  88. @Nechlaw - John Nechman, Immigration lawyer, adj. law professor, gay activist...
  89. @esquiremac - Adam Greivell, civil/criminal litigation attorney...
  90. @gideonstrumpet - Connecticut public defender...
  91. @glennia - mother, lawyer, blogger, liberal, coffee achiever...
  92. @alcraig - European trademark attorney based in London... 
  93. @mschwimmer - husband, father, dog owner, IP lawyer...
  94. @SarahBird - law and technology nerd...
  95. @victormedina - "one guy trying to help other people do things more efficiently."
  96. @tfserna - Tomás F. Serna, techno-geek soul trapped within the body of an attorney...
  97. @adamdlin - Adam Dlin, associate lawyer with with Clark Wilson LLP’s Business Law Group... 
  98. @lougovskaia - Elena Lougovskaia, representing businesses and immigrants...
  99. @lawboop - blogger, the other half of Lougovskaia Boop, LLC...
  100. @MerrisaSJC - California family law and business litigation attorney, traditional archery bowyer...
  101. @ipsociety - Patrick Reilly, "the emotionally available IP attorney"...
  102. @Riskin - Gerry Riskin, lawyer/consultant...
  103. @jrgonzalez - real estate, development, business and immigration lawyer...
  104. @cmm08 - counsel by day. Baker by night.
  105. @buffalopundit - Alan Bedenko, husband, father, lawyer, blogger...
  106. @cyberlaw - Kevin Thompson, IP attorney at Davis McGrath LLC...
  107. @wheeler1110 - Ronald Wheeler, Associate Director for Public Services at the Georgia State University College of Law...
  108. @StephKimbro - attorney and owner of Kimbro Legal Services, a Virtual Law Practice in N.C. - owner of VLOTech...
  109. @jalfin - John R. Alfino...
  110. @luckywhitegirl - communications geek in DC working for immigrants' rights...
  111. @alaskhah - dog owner, drama director, legal assistant, world traveler...
  112. @aznor99 - Ronza Othman, disgruntled lawyer counting down the days to retirement...
  113. @nicknanton - Music. Business. Law.
  114. @kaplanmyrth - Andy Kaplan-Myrth, lawyer working in technology law and new media...
  115. @dirtylitigator
  116. @AustinAttorney
  117. @lsuttell - Laura Suttell
  118. @bcuban - Brian Cuban, attorney working for Mark Cuban Companies...
  119. @kevinhell - Kevin Heller of the Tech Law Advisor blog...
  120. @Charonqc - blawger and rioja drinker...
  121. @infobunny - law librarian...
  122. @Geeklawyer - U.K. lawyer/barrister...
  123. @RobertdeBord - trial & forensic specialist for New Jersey Legal...
  124. @minasirkin - Mina Sirkin, TV legal expert, trusts and estates lawyer...
  125. @robertamsterdam - Robert Amsterdam, international lawyer...
  126. @traverselegal - Traverse Legal PLC, attorneys and advisors...
  127. @annibler - Lawyer. Editor. Music lover.
  128. @denise_sva - Denise Shears...
  129. @lawmrs - Michelle R. Smith, estate planning attorney, knitter, frequent wearer of flip-flops...
  130. @paul177 - associate VP for Gregory FCA, PR rep for law firms, public companies...
  131. @lexfortis - occasional tweets and commentary from Peter Daniels ("De minimis non curat Lex.")
  132. @eclewis - Elizabeth Lewis, small business attorney...
  133. @StephenVerbit - business litigation attorney...
  134. @inhouserants - occasional tweets and posts from a frustrated in-house attorney...
  135. @lawgal
  136. @ricolaw2k
  137. @bobcoffield -  healthcare, business, and technology lawyer...
  138. @craigniedenthal - trial lawyer focusing on products liability cases...
  139. @VLOTech - Virtual Law Office Technology, LLC.
  140. @LexMonitor - LexBlog's daily review of law blogs and journals...
  141. @jurisglobal - legal process outsourcing company...
  142. @lawteets - UK law newsfeeds and tweets...
  143. @JDSupra - Hot Docs stream: constantly updated stream of noteworthy documents published on JD Supra...
  144. @legalvoices - follow and be followed...
  145. @SDWatch - lawyer, blogger, Democrat, writer, father, son, husband, Buddhist, Lion, South Dakotan, former Kansan, Nebraskan, and Texan, Springsteen, U2, and Clapton fan...
  146. @edadams - editor & publisher of the ABA Journal...
  147. @ABAJournalcontinuous news updates from the source...
  148. @pauladoty - quilting law librarian...
  149. @cchick - Cindy Chick, global manager of knowledge systems...
  150. @bentleytolk - practicing lawyer; also offers marketing and client development advice...
  151. @PaulBKennedy - DWI and criminal defense lawyer in the Lone Star State...
  152. @MaySixteenth - Amanda K, student of law and life. Lover of the beautiful and ridiculous...
  153. @JeremyKissel - Washington, DC attorney, technology enthusiast, and news junkie...
  154. @jurisnipper - Stephen M. Nipper, patent/trademark prestidigitator...
  155. @BetsyMcKenzie - law libn. & poet, reader, pet lover & mom...
  156. @lnewcomer - has a J.D. but no job...
  157. @pcbrannon - Pam Brannon, academic law librarian. Georgian. Otherwise uncategorizable...
  158. @rube1947 - bankruptcy and commercial finance attorney... [sorry I missed you the first time]
  159. @YoungTwerk - Tom Burker, "future law student" ...
  160. @ashleystravel - law school grad, married gal, amateur photog, cook...
  161. @ksmb1465 - Mainer, law librarian, and military wife...
  162. @banklawblogger - fishing for finance law frogspawn on the edges of weedy lakes of information...
  163. @legalmaven - always looking for the why...
  164. @patentbaristas - Stephen Albainy-Jenei, IP law blogger (biotech and pharma), patent attorney with Frost Brown Todd LLC...
  165. @eschaeff - lawyer and writer...
  166. @douglassorocco - IP Attorney by day, crusading do-gooder by night...
  167. @Buzzmodo
  168. @faulkneff - Frederick Faulkner...
  169. @bduranske - Benjamin Duranske, currently taking a break from practice to focus on writing...
  170. @jmbesq - J. Matthew Buchanan, tech-loving patent attorney from O-HI-O...
  171. @Rkaiser - really old but not yet dead law librarian, blogger, podcaster...
  172. @patentmicroblog - J. Matthew Buchanan's really small writings on all things patent...
  173. @ajrobert - Al Robert,  Jr...
  174. @NSKinsella - libertarian patent attorney...
  175. @srcleere - Scott Cleere...
  176. @TMighell - Tom Mighell...
  177. @cgassner
  178. @tiabel - Belén Rodríguez, idealist, wife, lawyer, aunt, bibliophile, diarist, crafter, insomniac, list-maker...
  179. @emmaewood - law library tech, disaster in the kitchen, confirmed geek...
  180. @jdtwitt - yours truly. If you're not on this list, follow me or send a message - I'll add you...

There are some professionals who don't appreciate the value of social media sites.  But Twitter is unlike Facebook or LinkedIn in how it works.  Some consider it a 'time-sucker' but not if it is part of your social media marketing plan.

Let's put it this way; several outstanding faculty members who will be teaching at Solo Practice University were initially met via Twitter.  Don't you want to learn from some of the most progressive lawyers out there?  I know I would want to :-)


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D. Todd Smith

Very timely, Susan, considering I just posted about Twitter myself today (http://is.gd/2uwG). Definitely will start following some of these folks.

Steve Matthews

Hi Susan, just to clarify, the list is of twitter users that Adrian follows within the legal industry. The copying of all those profiles was all him... I've been busy adding a number of follows to @legalvoices (now 240) since Adrian's list was compiled.

I'm sure it was a lot of work, and I don't steal his thunder here. :)

All the best,

Susan Cartier Liebel

Thanks, Steve. I thought he gathered the beginning part of the list from StemLegal? Well, never mind. I did the appropriate editing :-) And don't be so modest. You do a great job pointing all of us in the right direction.

Ro (Lilyhill)

So as not to be intimidated by the enormity of following this list, I suggest using TweetDeck, which allows you to create groups. I have one just for the legal professionals I follow. Glad to see so many!

Rush Nigut


I think it's fine if lawyers want to follow lawyers but many people hope to use Twitter as a marketing tool. If that is their goal, lawyers should reach out and find those in their local community. I've met some real fine entrepreneurs (my target market) by doing this.


Susan Cartier Liebel

Rush, I absolutely agree with you. Many people I follow are not lawyers but those who service the legal market as well as entrepreneurs, authors, marketing genius, social media gurus and more. I've expanded my universe in ways I could not do so before, at least not in ways which work for me in my daily life.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Elizabeth Lewis

How funny - I was trying to find my twitter page to post somewhere and found your site. I didn't realize I was so famous! I just recently posted a blog about twitter and now can actually say that it does work.

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