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October 27, 2008

This Week We Begin Announcing Our Faculty At Solo Practice University

If you haven't been following Solo Practice University™ up to now, you may want to start as this week we beginning announcing our outstanding faculty.  Read this post our subscribers received two weeks ago:


Beginning the week of October 27th we will start introducing you to the outstanding faculty at Solo Practice University.

We promised you SPU would have the teachers you wished you had in law school, those  profitable in the trenches actually practicing what they preach and sharing their experience and wisdom. Some may actually teach on more than one topic.

And unlike any other site that we know of, Solo Practice University's faculty will really teach you the ropes of what needs to be done.   Each faculty has committed to a full curriculum of teaching in their area of expertise just like law school (no thirty minute hit and run 'teases')......and all from the comfort of your computer.  Each faculty member is committed to answering your questions, encouraged to be totally creative with full authority to add or vary classes based upon the students' requests.

Imagine, you are following one of our premiere criminal defense attorneys' teachings and an important case makes the news.  You want to understand the ramifications of that case.  That faculty member, because he or she is well entrenched in their practice area, gathers together several attorneys to have an impromptu debate on the subject, then takes a break from the syllabus and discusses this important case in a spirited and thought-provoking round table.  This is absolutely encouraged at Solo Practice University™.

Or you are learning from our personal injury lawyers.  You want to know what goes through the mind of an insurance adjuster when presented with a claim.  To make the anatomy of a personal injury suit come to life our personal injury lawyer arranges a panel discussion with an insurance defense lawyer and an insurance adjuster to get all the perspectives.

This is the type of education you will find at Solo Practice University™; - practical, timely, fluid, creative, interactive and fun.

If you can't participate on the day the class or seminar is being offered, no worries.  Once a class has been taught you will find the class recording in our library to reference at your leisure.  You can always catch up.

As all faculty have the flexibility to teach in whatever format they choose, lessons will be video, audio, a combination of the two, workbooks, PDFs and more.

One of the best parts, faculty will also have office hours (to be determined by them). Whether through forums or recorded Q & A, you will always be able to follow up with the faculty on what you've learned, either asking questions live or reviewing after the fact when it's convenient for you.

So, starting the week of October 27th we will introduce you to the current faculty, two or three per week.  Since all our faculty are experts and incredibly talented at what they will be teaching, we decided to introduce them by lottery.  That's right, names in a hat and pulled out at random.  (We didn't like alphabetical either).

Please encourage our faculty with comments to show your enthusiasm. Visit their sites, get to know them.  Let them know you can't wait to learn.  They are bringing a lot to the party because they've decided you're worth it and Solo Practice University™ was just the right educational environment.

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