I recently had the distinct pleasure of talking with Cole Silver, the innovator behind the Raindancing Expert Audio Series and owner of The Silver Group, LTD based out of New Jersey.
Cole Silver is in the process of amassing a collection of more than two hundred audio interviews with top legal marketing and business development experts.
So I was extremely flattered when he asked if I would participate in a very informal and fun interview about the challenges facing those going solo and my philosophies on the process.
In this interview I address the following:
- What are the biggest hurdles facing those who want to go solo?
- Why law schools are committing educational malpractice.
- Creating your life as a solo practitioner and why being 'on' 24/7 is not a bad thing.
- Are some lawyers not destined to be solos?
- What is the price of admission to the world of solo practice?
- The REAL benefits of going solo.
- Should you be a generalist or a specialist?
- Building community on the internet.
- The single most important thing you need to realize in order to succeed as an entrepreneur.
The interview is thirty-five minutes long. So, turn up the volume, sit back and enjoy the conversation. I hope you will learn something valuable after spending some time with me. And, as always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have....or just to say 'hello.'
Email Address: Email Me