Why the Solo Choice? - Solo Practice University E-zine Celebrates 1st Anniversary
I'm a big believer in getting to the heart of the matter. If you've subscribed to this newsletter chances are you fall into one of four categories. You are:
- A Student (traditional or non-traditional) who already knows you want to seriously consider the solo option either right out of law school or shortly thereafter;
- A New Lawyer (out of school less than three years) who either can't get the job you want or just wanted to get your feet wet first before striking out on your own; or
- A Veteran Lawyer (practicing more than three years) who now wants to strike out on your own after years of working for another and/or feels you have no future or stability in your current employment. You've defined going solo as the only option; or
- A Current Solo Practitioner who wants tips on how to improve your practice.
If you fit into any of these categories, this newsletter will help you but it is primarily geared for those who want to get started.
So, let's get started!
In his very popular book, "How to Start and Build A Law Practice," Jay Foonberg pretty much says it doesn't matter why you are starting a solo practice. Then based upon his personal experiences goes on to tell you his perspective on how to do it. His book has been a best seller for decades.
Some of us back into entrepreneurship
Some of us are forced into entrepreneurship
- poor job prospects whether driven by the economy or school ranking,
- unanticipated unemployment,
- disenchantment working for Big Law,
- a move cross-country to a strange city
You've experienced a professional disruption and simply don't know what to do. You just never envisioned your current status. Plus, you've never considered going solo before now. But you feel you either need to go solo or quit the profession. You're paralyzed and frustrated, a little angry and scared.
You fit into at least one of these categories. Which one?
(And in case you didn't see, check out our recent faculty announcements at Solo Practice University.
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