A Very Sobering Article(s) on Life At Big Law
Stephanie West Allen of Idealawg brings us excerpts of a newly published article (and numerous links of valuable commentary) by Alec Scott called Exile on Bay Street which documents one attorney's experience at Big Law in Canada and beyond. It is truly worth reading.
But I would like to preface the introduction to the article with the following.
This blog, Build A Solo Practice, is all about going solo for those who truly want to go solo or believe they have no other options. It is a full road map for the solo option and information to help you determine if going solo is the best or only option for you.
There are countless numbers of law students who expressly desire the experience of BigLaw and do remarkably well, profit from it in bankable and psychological ways the truly solo-minded would not. The truly solo-minded would feel caged in BigLaw and not appreciate their environment. Conversely, someone who goes solo when they really want BigLaw will always feel isolated and third rate. The proverbial square peg in a round hole. We never appreciate what we have if what we really yearn for is something else.
It is this blog's passionate purpose to bust the myth that getting a legal job in Big Law or Small immediately upon gradaution from law school is a mandatory right of passage in order to practice law. It emphatically is not!
This blog is about having options. I rant against law schools not publicizing and supporting other options and the professional landscape is littered with the overly-educated bodies of those who never believed the solo option was really viable. Life is about finding those true choices. And true choices come from honest information. This is the goal for this blog, to provide a realistic perspective of the solo option from myself, all the guest bloggers and great commenters, the valuable tools and how to use those tools to make the most of your choice, and responsible economic and demographic trends to help shape your personal and business future as an entrepreneur in the legal profession. I hope I am achieving my goal for you.